Why Drink Turkish Coffee?

Why drink Turkish Coffee? Turkish coffee is rich in tradition and flavor, and remains a favorite today. Turkish coffee is served hot from a special coffee pot called a cezve. Istanbul offers many new and delightful cafe – restaurants where friends and family meet to discuss topics of the day over a cup of traditional Turkish coffee. In the early 16th century, these coffee houses played host to a new form of satirical, political and social criticism called shadow theater in which puppets were the main characters. Men socialized in coffee houses to discuss politics and to play backgammon. During the Ottoman period, women socialized with each other over coffee and sweets. For both men and women, coffee has been at the center of political and social interaction.

Perspective husbands would judge a woman’s merits based on the taste of her coffee. In ancient times, women received intensive training in the harem on the proper technique of preparing Turkish coffee. Betrothal customs and gender roles also became defined through coffee rituals. Coffee makers, with the help of over forty assistants, ceremoniously prepared and served coffee for the sultan. By the mid-17th century, Turkish coffee became part of elaborate ceremonies involving the Ottoman court. Brought to Istanbul in 1555 by two Syrian traders, coffee became known as the milk of chess players and thinkers”. From the days of the Ottoman Empire through the present, coffee has played an important role in Turkish lifestyle and culture. It also makes a fantastic after meal drink and is an anti carcinogen.

Turkish coffee is really all about socializing and relaxing. The idea is to sit down together, savoring the flavors and the friendship while you converse. In the Turkish tradition, freshly brewed coffee is typically shared with someone you care about like family, friends, business acquaintances etc. When you are ready to sit down to have your brew, you will generally be pretty calm due to anticipating a period of rest and relaxation in a perfect mind-set to enjoy a delicious cup of foamy coffee, sip by sip. The process requires about 5-10 minutes of preparation time. 

What Makes drinking Turkish coffee so special. Above all, according to many people around the world, it is simply the most delicious way to have your coffee. Yet, its the oldest, the easiest and the most economical way to make a wonderful cup of coffee.

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